This holiday season, we are once again partnering with Sightsavers Italia Onlus to raise awareness about the lack of eyecare for one billion people living in developing countries.
Until the 31st of December, for every pair of KOO sunglasses or goggles ordered on our website, we will provide a pair of prescription glasses to someone in need.
By giving the gift of high-quality performance eyewear to your loved ones, you’ll also contribute to a good cause. Isn’t that what the holidays are all about?

Sightsavers is an international charity working in more than 30 countries to prevent avoidable blindness, support equality for people with disabilities and advocate for change. In 70+ years, Sightsavers has performed more than 11.3 million eye surgeries and has trained more than 287k people to help them earn a living.
Learn more by clicking here.